New Improvements You Can Make to Your Home Before You Move In

Buying a new house is always a happy occasion. But it can also be stressful. In fact, buying a new home ranks as the third most stressful event in a person’s life. You have to move to another location, leave behind familiar surroundings, neighbors, and possibly friends, and deal with the logistics of transporting your family and stuff to the new place. You may have to face paperwork, legal stuff, and major decisions about the new home. The best way to cope with the unknown is to be prepared. If moving timelines allow, it is a good idea to channel some of the exciting anxiety of buying a new home to complete the most important home improvements before you and the family move in.

Let’s Start with Security

We live in uncertain times. Housebreaking and burglaries are becoming more common. As more people fall on hard times and the market for reselling stolen property grows, you will need to make sure your home is protected from thieves. Forbes reports that, on average, there are over a million burglaries in the United States each year. Even if your home is in a ‘decent and safe’ neighborhood, you must be security aware.

Install a security system before you move in.


Installing a security system in your new home is one of the best ways to protect your home from sticky-fingered intruders. Plenty of security systems are available on the market so that you can choose something suitable for you and your budget. It is a good idea to install all the necessary components and wiring before all the furniture is in the rooms. Depending on the type of security system you choose, you may have to install door and window sensors, motion detectors, flood sensors, and security cameras. All those components will have wiring that connects them to the central control unit. Of course, wireless systems are now available that are easier to install, so don’t panic if you don’t get to install yours before the moving day.

Having a security system installed from the get-go gives you peace of mind that your family is protected. It also deters would-be thieves from breaking into your home if they are aware that they will have to bypass security. Most of the time, that deterrent is enough to stop chances. If you feel you need additional security, there is an option where you can connect your alarm to an armed response security company, which will come to your aid if the system is breached.

For complete peace of mind, contact your local security company for advice on the type of security system you need for your new home.

Don’t forget to install all the other wiring at the same time

Also, while installing the security system wiring, it may be a good time to install your ethernet connection. Sure, you may get away with having a couple of Wi-Fi routers placed strategically throughout the house, but having an ethernet connection will give you a far better, stable connection. So, if your budget allows, don’t skimp on this convenience. You will be glad you did.

While we are talking about wiring, don’t forget to check the number of electrical outlets available in each room. If you bought an older home, it probably does not have enough outlets to plug in all your modern appliances. Adding extra outlets is not complicated and is best done before your furniture and stuff arrives in the house, but remember to check that your main electrical system can handle all those additional outlets.

Next, Consider Windows

Windows bring life to a house. They let in sunlight and make your spaces bright and cheery. Not to mention, they provide great views—most of the time. They also provide ventilation, and depending on their quality and condition, they either save you money on energy costs or drain your wallet by letting outside air and moisture inside. If the current windows in the house you bought look like they have seen better days, it may be a good idea to have them replaced before you move in.

Replacing old-type windows with modern energy-saving ones has more of an impact than you realize. Besides saving you money and looking great, windows are the key to having an energy-efficient home. An energy efficient impact window can save up to 43% of your energy usage. The website reports that by improving the energy-saving performance of windows, the combined U.S. annual energy usage could be reduced by 1.7% by 2050. That’s a great step towards more sustainable living.

Get shade for your windows.

Another thing to consider is the placement of the windows relative to the sun’s direction. If your windows face northwest, you may have to contend with the sun beaming down on hot summer afternoons straight into your living spaces. The sun warming up your rooms can make them uncomfortably hot. It’s not pleasant in summer, but the extra heat may be welcome in winter.

If your moving timelines allow you to visit your new home more than once before you take occupancy, it is advisable to visit the place a couple of times at different times of the day to see how the window placement affects the amount of sunlight in each room.

Obviously, you cannot increase the amount of sunlight that enters each window. You would need to move the whole window, which is probably not practical. However, if you have windows that let in too much sun at certain times of the day, there is something you can do about that. The easiest, old-school way to regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room through a window is to install awnings above the offending window. These coverings are attached to the exterior of your house and provide ample shade, cutting out excess heat from entering the room. They may be designed on a removable frame that can retract during winter to allow more natural heat to warm your home during the cold months. Depending on your needs, the coverings can be made from fabric on a metal frame, wood, or even transparent materials.

To further protect your home from excessive heat, and when installing awnings is not an option, you can opt to install commercial window tinting. It may be the solution you are looking for.

What’s a Window Without Dressing?

One thing that almost everyone does before they move into a new house is measure their new windows to work out the size of the curtains they will need. Curtains, drapes, blinds, or commercial draperies bring extra style into your rooms and are the most versatile way to add decorative accents, control the amount of light in a room, and add a layer of insulation. They also provide privacy.

When it comes to choosing appropriate window dressing, you have two options. You can either make it a focal point of the room or a supporting feature that complements your home’s overall design and style. Choosing between curtains or blinds will depend on the look you want to achieve, your budget and the functionality you are after.

Getting new window coverings can be expensive, so measure windows carefully, think of what you want your room to look like, and consider what function the curtains will play to ensure you don’t choose something you will hate in a few months. It’s probably best to discuss your plans with your interior decorator or at least your partner before you purchase anything, in case they don’t like your choices.

Check For Lurking Asbestos

On a more serious note, check your new home for asbestos to prevent health risks down the line. Older homes, the ones built in the 1970s, may have asbestos hidden in the walls, roof, or floors. Asbestos is a naturally occurring silica material that can harm humans if breathed in. When asbestos fibers lodge in your lung tissue, they cause respiratory diseases and play a role in developing lung cancer.

However, the mere presence of asbestos in the home is not automatically dangerous. The corrugated roof and cement sheeting within the structure are safe if intact. Only once the asbestos-containing building materials become damaged are asbestos fibers released into the air, which, if breathed in, can be detrimental to your health.

It is possible that the asbestos present in your home now poses no danger, but if you do renovations later, you run the risk of disturbing or damaging the asbestos-containing structures and releasing fibers into your home.

Hire the asbestos detection services to inspect your new home and, if necessary, remove all traces of asbestos from your new house structure before you move in.

How Will You Heat Your New Home?

Most homes still rely on heating with natural gas or electricity. However, according to the 2021 American Community Survey, 5% of all households have changed their primary heating fuel to propane. Propane is an eco-friendly and safe fuel that can be used as an alternative to traditional energy sources. It burns clean, is nontoxic, and is colorless. It comes in a liquid form and is housed in tanks.

About half of all farms in the U.S. use propane for both their agricultural activities and home energy needs. If your new home is in the country, look around for large tanks on the property housing agricultural propane. It is the same as home-use propane but is distributed in larger quantities and bigger tanks. On a farm, propane can be used in many ways, such as drying crops, warming chicken coops, and housing other farm animals. It is an essential resource for farmers.

In the same way, in urban households, propane can be used to heat space and cook food. It is an environmentally conscious, affordable alternative for your energy needs. If your new home does not have this option installed, perhaps you, as the new owner, will want to consider installing a propane heating system or stove. If you do, it is a task to do before your family, pets, and you move in.

Moving Day at Last!

You’ve packed your stuff and are so proud of yourself that you know exactly where your coffee maker is stashed. Now, to move all those boxes to your new house, you will need the help of a moving company. When hiring moving companies, most of the time, what you pay is what you get. So, don’t get the cheapest one. Read the reviews of their customers before you choose the company that will handle your stuff.

Movers are people, too.

During the move, make sure you treat your movers right. They are less likely to put dings into your furniture. It is also a good idea to be prepared to pay a 20% tip once they unpack your stuff on the other side. An offer of a cold drink and a sandwich at lunchtime will also go a long way toward developing goodwill in the people who handle your precious possessions.

If you don’t have much stuff to move into your new home.

If you are moving within the same town or don’t have many things to load a full truck, you can consider hiring local mini split companies. They specialize in small loads and can be used for local and national moves.

Resist the temptation to accept kind offers from family members who insist they want to help you move. It’s true that the offer comes from the heart and is probably a cheaper option than hiring professionals, but the peace of mind you get from knowing that you are not responsible for Uncle Harry’s hernia is priceless. Just don’t get the family involved in your move; it always brings trouble.

Last Minute Tips for Your Move

Before you leave your old home, remember to change your address with the postal service and arrange for mail forwarding. Also, remember to transfer utilities. It’s all those small things that count and are likely to be forgotten.

Buying a new house is both exciting and daunting. So, if you can, getting at least some of the improvements done before you move in will save you living in a building zone for the first few months. It is hard work to finish everything in time, but you will be so glad when you sink into your couch without any “to-do’s” waiting for you once everything is unpacked.


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